A symptom is something that only you can experience. A doctor can’t feel it; only you can describe it. When your hormones are imbalanced, you will experience symptoms. Symptoms of a hormone imbalance can range from mild to more severe, but still, they are disruptive and abnormal. At Allure Laser and MedSpa in Tinley Park, IL, we offer hormone replacement therapy to help alleviate your symptoms and restore balance to your system.
The Signs That You Need Hormone Replacement Therapy
You’re Tired All of the Time
Fatigue is a normal part of the aging process. Still, if you experience chronic fatigue and are always tired to the point that you do not have the energy to complete all of your favorite activities, your hormones may be to blame. Chronic fatigue is one of the most common signs of a hormone imbalance.
Chronic fatigue is a symptom that can impact every area of your life. If your body is producing an abnormal amount of hormones, it can lead to chronic fatigue. Addressing your hormones and achieving that necessary balance will help resolve chronic fatigue and restore your energy.
Some Form of Sexual Dysfunction Is Affecting You
Sexual dysfunction is any disturbance or issue relating to your sexual response cycle. The symptoms of sexual dysfunction that are often associated with a hormonal deficiency include erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and pain during intercourse. Low libido is another common sign of not just a hormone imbalance but the aging process in general.
If your sex drive has been rapidly declining, you may require a hormonal adjustment. The symptoms relating to sexual dysfunction are not normal and often indicate that your hormone levels require treatment.
You Have Experienced Reproductive Health Problems
Everything from fertility to painful periods can be linked to a hormone imbalance. Balanced hormones are essential to getting pregnant, staying pregnant, and making it through a healthy pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances often interfere with fertility because they lead to other conditions, including endometriosis, painful or heavy periods, and low or poor sperm count.
If you are experiencing symptoms related to your reproductive health, your hormones may require treatment. Many patients trying to conceive soon realized that imbalanced hormones are standing in between them and successful pregnancy.
Your Mood Is Ever-Changing
Significant changes in your mood are often indicative of a hormonal imbalance. If you feel as though you are riding an emotional roller-coaster day in and day out, your hormones may be to blame. Significant mood changes, anger, irritability, anxiety, and depression are some of the symptoms of a hormone deficiency. Addressing your hormones can restore balance to your emotional health so that your moods no longer dictate your life and your relationships.
You Can’t Sleep
Sleep is an important part of overall health. When you have any disturbances to your sleep, it can not only affect how you feel the next day, but it can also negatively affect your health, especially when those sleep problems are long-term problems. Some of the most common sleep disturbances associated with hormone imbalances include the inability to fall asleep, trouble staying asleep, and overall poor quality sleep.
If you suffer from any of these sleep disturbances or insomnia, your hormones may be to blame. Adjusting your hormones to optimal levels through hormone replacement therapy can help you finally get that good night’s sleep and feel refreshed when you wake up.
You Experience Regular Body Temperature Changes
Women going through menopause often experience hot flashes, which indicate irregularities with hormone levels, but body temperature changes, in general, are a sign of hormonal imbalances—hot flashes and constantly feeling cold both indicate that something has gone awry with your hormones.
HRT can help address hot flashes and temperature changes so that your body temperature is regulated and you don’t swing back-and-forth between hot or cold or struggle with hot flashes.
You’re Gaining Weight or You Can’t Lose Weight
Weight gain is another symptom of a hormonal imbalance. Even if you are eating right, exercising, and drinking enough water, you may still have those extra pounds sitting around your waist that you just can’t seem to lose. Or, you may be gaining weight despite a healthy lifestyle and don’t understand why. Hormones are an important part of every aspect of your health, including helping you maintain a healthy weight.
If you haven’t been able to lose those last few pounds or have found yourself gaining weight, your hormones may be to blame. Addressing imbalanced hormones through HRT can help you finally lose those last few pounds and reach your healthiest weight.
You Can’t Make Any Gains at the Gym
The inability to maintain lean muscle mass is often a common symptom of men suffering from testosterone deficiency. However, the inability to maintain lean muscle mass also affects women, and if you have found that your workouts are not delivering any gains, your hormones may be the cause.
Hormonal imbalances can interfere with your body composition and your fitness goals. Addressing your hormones and balancing them will help you put on lean muscle mass and feel your best.
Brain Fog Has Become Normal
Forgetfulness, the inability to concentrate, and the feeling like your head is stuck in the clouds are all symptoms of a hormone imbalance. A lack of mental clarity can affect you professionally and personally. If you forget things, can’t remember names, or just feel like you’re constantly living in a state of mental fog, addressing your hormones will help resolve the symptoms and bring you the mental clarity you need to function well.
Other Signs of a Hormone Imbalance
Some other signs of a hormonal imbalance include frequent headaches, poor quality hair, nails, and skin, digestive issues like constipation or diarrhea, weak bones, and nervousness.
What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Hormone replacement therapy is a form of anti-aging medicine that uses bioidentical hormones to balance the system of those experiencing a hormonal deficiency. This therapy uses several different methods and forms of hormones replacement to balance the system and eradicate symptoms. At Allure Laser and MedSpa, we offer bioidentical hormone pellet therapy, a form of HRT that uses tiny pellets smaller than a grain of rice to balance the hormones.
These pellets are small yet very effective. When you choose this form of HRT to balance your hormones, you will not have to self-administer injections, apply creams, or take any pills. All you’ll have to do is show up at your first and consequent follow-up treatments, and we will take care of the rest of the process for you.
How Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Work?
Your Consultation
Pellet implants are an effective way to balance hormones. This process begins with an initial consultation, during which we will evaluate your symptoms and perform some diagnostics to obtain your hormone levels. This is typically done through a blood test, and once we receive the results, we will review your deficiencies with you and confirm that this treatment is the right option for your body, needs, and goals.
The Implantation Process
We will implant the pellet into an area on the hip or buttocks during a very simple treatment. To begin this process, we will sanitize the skin in the treatment area and then make a tiny, barely visible incision. Then, we will implant the pellet just below the skin’s surface and suture the incision. A bandage will then be placed on the treatment site, and you’ll be free to resume your normal daily activities.
Once the pellet is implanted, it will begin working immediately, and your body will absorb its bioidentical hormones to help restore balance. Additionally, we will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure that your hormone levels are exactly where they should be. We will also perform regular diagnostics to test your hormones and adjust your hormone dosage as needed to ensure that you are feeling your best.
How Long Will It Take to Feel a Change in My Symptoms?
While this form of hormone replacement therapy is very effective, it may take a few weeks for you to feel its full effects. Typically, patients undergoing this treatment will notice a change in their symptoms within two to three weeks. They will continue to experience the benefits of this form of HRT for a few months before requiring an additional pellet to help maintain balanced hormones over time.
How Many Follow-Up Treatments Will I Need?
Most patients only require a few follow-up treatments each year to help maintain the most consistent hormones year-round. These appointments are quick and take less than 20 minutes to complete.
Is the Treatment Process Painful?
Before inserting the pellet below your skin’s surface, we will apply a numbing solution to the treatment area and wait until it becomes fully numb to move forward with the rest of the process. You will not feel any pain and will simply lie down and relax as we performed this quick and minimally invasive treatment.
Is There Any Downtime?
There’s no significant recovery time associated with this form of HRT, but there are some ways you will need to care for the treatment site once your appointment is over. You will be asked to keep the treatment site dry for a specific period of time to avoid disrupting the newly implanted palate.
You will also be asked to avoid strenuous workouts, particularly those that involve the lower body since that is the most common insertion site for the pellet. Typically, you will only need to avoid strenuous workouts, and lower body exercises three to four days after your appointment. Then, you can resume your normal workouts.
How Long Will I Need to Undergo Treatment?
The total amount of time you will need to undergo hormone replacement therapy will vary based on your goals, hormone level, age, and needs. Some patients only require a few treatments, others need to undergo treatment for much longer to reach their goals. We will discuss this with you in detail during your initial consultation when we review your health history and your symptoms to confirm that you are a good candidate for HRT.
Learn More About HRT
If you live with any of the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, know that you don’t have to. There is a solution, and hormone replacement therapy provides you with the bioidentical hormones that your body needs to help resolve your symptoms so that you can live an energetic and vibrant life. Contact us today at Allure Laser & Med Spa in Tinley Park, IL to schedule your initial HRT consultation.