Microdermabrasion may be one of the most sought-after skin treatments available, but many people don’t truly understand what it is or how it works. Some people mistakenly think that it’s another word for a facial. Facials use a combination of topical treatments, along with manual extractions, to cleanse the skin and get rid of acne and blackheads. In contrast, microdermabrasion gently removes dead, scarred and dull skin cells to rejuvenate the face.
What is Microdermabrasion?
The procedure itself uses superfine crystals or diamonds to physically remove the top layer of skin. Usually, these particles are housed in a small device, which is applied to the patient’s face. This gently removes the top layer without harming the healthy skin below. This leaves behind only healthy, new skin.
Without a top layer of dead or dull skin, healthy skin is stimulated to produce collagen and elastin. This makes the skin look brighter, smoother and have a youthful bounce. Additionally, new skin grown after the procedure is likely to have smaller pores, produce less oil, and minimize the look of fine lines and acne scars. This makes it a fantastic option for adults of all ages, especially those who have had trouble with adult acne.
Why Choose Microdermabrasion?
Unlike traditional dermabrasion, microdermabrasion is also great for people of all skin types. Dermabrasion is usually reserved for people with fair skin because the process is more intense. Since microdermabrasion makes subtler changes to the skin, these risks are minimized, making the procedure safe for many more patients.
If you think microdermabrasion may be helpful for you, speak with our expert at Allure Laser & Med Spa in Tinley. Our team is at the ready to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. Contact our office today to book an appointment and get started!