As we age, it is inevitable that our appearance changes. Unfortunately, these changes are often unwanted. At Allure Laser & Med Spa in Tinley Park, IL, we understand how frustrating it can be to watch your appearance change and try countless ineffective cosmetics to combat the change. Today, we’re discussing Belotero, a highly effective anti-aging technique we offer at our medical spa.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Belotero?
It is completely natural to experience changes in the texture and appearance of your skin as you age. Unfortunately, people often feel self-conscious about the changes in their appearance. If you have tried topical products to reverse wrinkles but failed to effect change, you may be considered a good candidate for Belotero.
To find out whether you qualify for this hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler, you need to come in for an initial consultation. However, as a good rule of thumb, you will be considered a good candidate if you are in fairly good health, not breastfeeding or pregnant, and concerned about the following:
Smile Lines
There is a very good chance that you will be considered a good candidate for Belotero if you are concerned about smile lines. Otherwise known as laugh lines or nasolabial folds, these vertical lines run from your nose to your mouth and make you look far older than you really are.
Unfortunately, due to how active this region of the face is, these lines often are among the first to appear, and they can deepen quickly. When you receive dermal filler injections in this area, localized volume will increase enough to erase these lines away, youthening your appearance.
Hollow Cheeks
There is also an excellent chance that you will be considered a good candidate for Belotero injections if you are concerned about hollow cheeks. Sometimes, the apple of the cheek can become hollow and gaunt following extreme weight loss. However, extreme volume loss in the cheeks is more commonly caused by an inadequate supply of collagen.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and one of the most important. It is responsible for volumizing your skin and keeping it smooth, tight, and healthy-looking. When you receive hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler injections, collagen production will increase and volume will be restored to your cheeks. Also, sagging skin will be lifted, eliminating jowls.
Forehead Lines
You also may be considered a good candidate for dermal filler injections if you are concerned about deep forehead lines. However, it is crucial that you come in for an initial consultation to find out whether your forehead lines make you a good candidate for this injectable.
This dermal filler can help you improve your appearance if your wrinkles are caused by volume loss. However, if you have wrinkles caused by overactive muscles, you will need an injectable muscle relaxant treatment.
Crow’s Feet
Just like people often get lines around the nose and mouth due to lots of localized activity, people often develop lines around their eyes due to how active the eye area is. Even worse, the skin around your eyes is extremely thin.
Therefore, it is more prone to show volume loss-related wrinkles and lines. If you have crow’s feet around your eyes caused by volume loss, there is a very good chance that you will be considered a good candidate for dermal filler injections. After just one quick treatment session, you will look younger and feel much more comfortable in your skin.
Hollow Under-Eyes
Have you lost a significant amount of volume under your eyes? Do you feel like you have dark circles under your eyes regardless of how well you sleep? If so, you may be an excellent candidate for dermal filler injections. This injectable filler can erase bags under your eyes, eliminate hollowness, brighten your eyes, and make your eyes look younger and more alert.
Frown Lines
You also may qualify for dermal filler injections if you are concerned about deep lines between your eyebrows. However, like deep forehead folds, these lines are often caused by overactive muscles. During your initial consultation, we will determine the cause of your cosmetic concerns to verify that you are a good candidate for dermal filler injections.
Thin Lips
Do you feel self-conscious about your appearance due to thin lips? Do you wear lipstick daily to hide asymmetrical lips? If so, dermal filler injections can augment your lips very precisely. What’s great about the precision you can expect from Belotero injections is it doesn’t matter whether you are looking for an extreme volume increase or a subtle volume increase. We can tailor the dose you receive to provide you with exactly the results you want.
Weak Jawline
Dermal filler injections can also be used to strengthen your jawline. While you can undergo an invasive procedure to further define your jawline, not everyone can afford to undergo an invasive procedure. Also, not everyone can afford to take several weeks off from work to recover from cosmetic procedures. You may be considered a good candidate for this treatment if you don’t think an invasive cosmetic procedure is right for you.
Acne Scars
Do you have acne scars that make you feel self-conscious about your appearance? Do you feel like you spend too much time every morning putting on makeup to hide the scars left behind from frequent acne outbreaks? If so, depending on the type of acne scars you have, you may be considered a great fit for this dermal filler injection.
Everything You Need to Know About the Treatment Process
Your Initial Consultation
The first step in your treatment process is attending your initial consultation. During this time, we will take note of each of your cosmetic concerns. If your cosmetic concerns can be treated with an increase in localized collagen production, we will review your medical history to ensure you are healthy enough to receive this treatment.
To reiterate, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you will not be considered a good fit for this treatment. Also, this treatment may not be appropriate for you if you are ill, have been ill within two weeks of your scheduled appointment, or have been diagnosed with certain medical conditions, like heart disease.
Your Preparation
For the best possible treatment experience, there are several instructions you must follow. You will receive a comprehensive set of guidelines during your initial consultation. Among the most important things you must do in advance of your treatment are avoiding alcohol and tobacco products for a couple of days prior to your treatment.
It is also very important that you discontinue the use of blood-thinning pharmaceuticals for seven days before treatment session. Among the drugs and supplements that will be off-limits is:
- Fish oil supplements
- Vitamin E supplements
- Garlic supplements
- Vitamin K supplements
Your Injection Session
The third step of the treatment process is coming in for your injections. First, we will clean your skin very thoroughly to ensure the treatment areas are free from dirt, excess oil, and other potential irritants. Then, we will inject the dermal filler into several strategic points in each area of concern. There is no need to apply a topical anesthetic prior to your injections because the formula contains an injectable anesthetic called lidocaine.
It starts working within mere seconds of injection and will keep your treatment area numb throughout the injection process. Note, you may feel a bit of pressure as the first injection is administered. However, this pressure will not be painful or uncomfortable. Depending on the number of areas you are targeting for treatment, your injection session may take between 15 minutes and an hour.
Your Recovery
One thing that sets dermal filler treatments apart from invasive anti-aging procedures is the recovery period. When you undergo an invasive procedure, you must take a week or two off from work to recover. Even worse, you must go six to eight weeks without participating in vigorous physical activity. After Belotero injections, you just need to go a few days without direct sun exposure and avoid vigorous activity for one to three days.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Now
If you are sick and tired of trying ineffective skincare products to reverse your wrinkles, Belotero may be the perfect solution for you. To determine definitively whether you are a good candidate for this non-invasive anti-aging treatment, contact us today at Allure Laser & Med Spa in Tinley Park, IL. We will schedule an initial consultation for you and discuss your medical history and aesthetic goals to ensure you are a good fit.