It can be extremely frustrating to look in the mirror and watch as the aging process ravages your appearance. It can make you lose your self-confidence and cause you to stop doing the things you love. It can take away the energy and vigor you need to push yourself to the next level, professionally and personally. The great news is that you don’t have to just sit back and watch as these changes take place. You can fight the aging process with the variety of non-surgical cosmetic treatments that are on the market today. We would love to tell you how you can relax your wrinkles with BOTOX® in Mokena.
The very first thing that most people want to know about before they try any cosmetic treatment is if the product or treatment is safe. One of the reasons why BOTOX® is so popular is because of its astonishing safety record. Not only has it received approval by the FDA to be used for cosmetic purposes, but it has been used since the early 1980s for medical purposes as well. A quick search on the Internet will show you that you have nothing to be concerned about when it comes to using this product in order to refresh your appearance. Of course, it is a medical treatment, so you need to learn as much as you can about it and need to qualify as a candidate for it.
How You Can Relax Your Wrinkles
While this is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments that is in use today, you may have questions about how it works and what it can do for you. It has been coined as a cure-all for every type of issue that a person may face as they get older. However, it is only used for one specific thing in the cosmetic world. It relaxes or erases dynamic wrinkles.
It is common for people to have both static and dynamic wrinkles as they get older. As their name implies, static wrinkles are there all the time. They are on your face no matter if your face is at rest or if you making different expressions. They begin to form as your skin changes in response to the aging process, exposure to the sun, lifestyle choices, and other factors. As your skin begins to lose hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen, and other substances, it is no longer as elastic and plump as it was when you were younger. You also lose facial fat, and the facial fat that you do have begins to shift downward. All of these things cause static wrinkles.
Dynamic wrinkles occur because of the facial expressions that you make. When you are young, you can squint and you will have lines at the sides of your eyes. However, when your face returns to a resting position, those lines will go away. Unfortunately, as you squint thousands of times throughout your life and as your skin gets older, those lines begin to be etched in your face. The same is true with other dynamic wrinkles. Just think about the lines that you have along your forehead and right in between your eyebrows. Every time you make a surprised expression, your eyebrows go up and this causes lines in your forehead. Over time, those lines become permanent. In addition to making you look older, they can also make you look grumpy.
BOTOX® is a perfect solution for dynamic wrinkles because it actually relaxes the muscles that cause these dynamic wrinkles. It does not allow them to contract with the same force. Of course, you will still be able to make normal facial expressions. However, muscles that cause deep folds in the skin will be treated, which means that the skin will have the opportunity to relax. As the product goes to work, you are going to notice how the wrinkles on your face begin to relax. Depending on how deep the wrinkles are, they may completely go away.
It is important for you to understand that this injectable product will not do anything for static wrinkles. If you are concerned about treating both static and dynamic wrinkles, you may wish to visit our Mokena clinic in order to have injections of this product along with dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are designed to replace some of the facial volume that you have lost. It can do wonders for lips that are starting to look thin, cheeks and temples that looked deflated, and static wrinkles.
Something many people appreciate about this product is that it can be used in combination with other treatments. The treatments may not be able to be performed on the same day, but you can make a variety of different improvements to your appearance and not worry about a negative reaction because of combining multiple treatments. When you visit our office, tell us about the other concerns that you have and we would be happy to show you the different options that are available.
What Kind of Results Should You Expect?
If you are going to use your time and energy in order to have a cosmetic treatment performed, you want something that is going to work. You want to feel satisfied with the results. We encourage you to take as much time as you can to learn about the product and how it works. Look at photographs of individuals who have used the product. Gathering this information is going to help you have realistic expectations.
As you do this research, the first thing you will notice is that BOTOX® does exactly what it promises. It will relax your wrinkles. However, you need to be realistic in what you expect. This is not like a facelift or another invasive procedure that will remove a lot of loose and sagging skin. It is not going to make a person in their 50s look like they are in their 20s.
Instead of seeing this as a treatment that will make you look years younger, you should see it as a treatment that will refresh your appearance. Because it makes you look more youthful in the way that it relaxes wrinkles, you can definitely expect to see a face that looks younger. You can also expect to see a face that looks happier. This is especially true if you are dealing with dynamic wrinkles on your forehead and in between your brows.
Many people appreciate the subtle results that they get with this product. It is not likely that others will be able to tell that you had a cosmetic treatment performed. Others will notice that there is something different about you though. They may notice that you look happier and more approachable. They may ask you if you have been getting more rest or if you just got back from vacation. All of these things are very positive. However, if a person is looking to experience a dramatic change in their appearance, they may do better with a surgical procedure, like a facelift.
You can have this treatment performed during a lunch break or in between errands. The first reason this is possible is because the treatment sessions are short. When you visit our office for the first time, you will go through a consultation with our doctor and then have the injections given. During this visit, you should plan to be in our office for about 30 minutes. If you decide to have follow-up treatments in the future, those visits are likely to be 15 minutes or less.
This is also a treatment that can be performed during your lunch break because you will not have any noticeable side effects after the treatment. Most of our patients don’t need to do anything afterward because they see no noticeable side effects. So you really can run your errands, go back to the office, or engage in other activities without worrying about needing to rest or others noticing that you had the treatment done.
There are very few things that you need to do to prepare for your first visit with us. Of course, you want to be ready to discuss any health concerns that you may have. Let the doctor know about any serious medical issues that you are experiencing and if you take any medication.
Who Qualifies for Treatment?
This is another area in which BOTOX® really shines. Because it is so safe, most people qualify for treatment. Only a couple of conditions would make it inadvisable for a person to have these injections.
If you have serious health issues that affect your nervous or muscular systems, you may not qualify for treatment. As we mentioned above, this product is designed to relax certain facial muscles. If you already have a problem with your muscles, the product may not work well for you. It also interrupts certain signals that are sent through your body, so if you have an issue with your nervous system, this may not be the right option to help you relax your dynamic wrinkles. The skin in the area where the injections will be performed needs to be healthy. If you have thick scars in the area or your face is not symmetrical, you may not get the results that you are hoping for with this product.
There are some temporary situations that would cause a person to need to postpone a BOTOX® injection session. For example, if you have an infection in the area where the product will be applied, you need to address the infection first. Women who are nursing or pregnant do not qualify for the treatment. However, a woman may decide to have these injections later on.
Men have had fantastic results using this product. It is applied a little bit different than from how it is applied for women. The doctor will take into consideration the different needs that men have as far as their facial structure, the thickness of their skin, and the position of their muscles is concerned. Men have found that having these injections and refreshing their appearance has given them just what they need to boost their self-confidence and tackle new goals in life.
Get In Touch with Us for More Information
Are you ready to relax your facial wrinkles with BOTOX®? If so, please feel free to reach out and make an appointment with Allure Laser & Med Spa. At our convenient location in Tinley Park near Mokena, we are excited to work with you as you say goodbye to low self-esteem and say hello to a whole new you. These simple injections can give you just the boost of confidence you need to attack life’s problems and feel great about yourself. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!